MTN Scholarships Shortlisted Candidates 2023

MTN Scholarships Shortlisted Candidates

MTN Scholarships Shortlisted Candidates 2023 | Check Names Here

MTN Foundation Scholarships Shortlisted Candidates PDF 2023 is currently out online. Here are the names of the MTN Foundation’s shortlisted candidates. Check your name on the MTN shortlist by downloading the PDF guide below.

Additionally, this website will provide all the information you need on how to find the names of MTN Scholarships successful applicants for the screening process. Do you submit an application for an MTN Scholarship? If yes! See how to find out if you passed the aptitude test screening test for the MTN Scholarships.

First, MTN Scholarships will only shortlist candidates who successfully complete their application and qualify for the scholarship. Are you among those who want to know when the MTN Science & Technology Scholarship Scheme shortlist will be published online? To learn more, continue reading.

Steps To Check MTN Scholarships List of Shortlisted Candidates 2023

The instructions below can be used to check the MTN STSS 2023 shortlisted candidates.

  • Move to the MTN scholarship application Portal
  • Login with your details (Email address and password you used during online enrollment)
  • Persist to see if your name is on the shortlist.
  • You will see a message saying “Congratulations” if you have been selected for MTN STSS.

You can check the names of the MTN Foundation’s shortlisted candidates using the step-by-step procedure above. The simplest way to see if your name is on MTN Shortlist is to use the method described above.

If your name is on the MTN shortlist, you should obtain MTN past questions and answers to qualify for the aptitude test screening examination.

Are MTN Scholarships Shortlist Candidates 2023 Out Online?

No! The names of the MTN Foundation’s shortlisted candidates have not yet been published online. Do you want to know when MTN Scholarships’ successful applicants’ names are out? Please leave a comment right away.

What is the payoff for the MTN Scholarship?

If they maintain the necessary grades from their 100 level through graduation, the chosen candidates will receive scholarships totaling N200,000.00.


However, you can bookmark this web page for the latest news updates on the MTN foundation list of shortlisted nominees or visit the MTN Scholarships portal via right now.

Do you want to be notified when there are new developments regarding the 2023 MTN Scholarships Shortlist Candidates? Comment below right now.


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