Dollar to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today

Dollar to Naira Black Market

Do you want to know what the current dollar-to-naira black market exchange rate is? Are you thinking about making an international trip or conducting some online business but are unsure of the currency?

Understanding the exchange rate between the dollar and the naira is crucial, particularly when it comes to the Aboki fx dollar to naira rate. Knowing the exchange rate helps travel abroad or conduct online transactions.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about the USD to NGN exchange rate and the current dollar to the naira exchange rate, both the black market rate and the CBN rate. You can exchange your dollars for naira at this rate, the most competitive black market rate, or the parallel market rate.

Continue reading to see the current Aboki FX rate and the actual mid-market exchange rate. We contrast the Aboki FX rate with the dollar and naira bank rates. Based on current market information, this page is updated hourly.

  • Buck to Naira Aboki FX
  • Buck to Naira today
  • Buck to Naira black demand today
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Current Exchange Rates Today

In recent years, the value of the Nigerian currency has decreased compared to other important currencies. The value of the dollar relative to the naira, the currency of Nigeria, varies constantly.

In recent months, there has been a declining trend in the rate. Looking at the exchange rates for the current date, the market is still considered to be at a low point.

So, how much is the black market (parallel market) and aboki fx dollar to the naira exchange rate? Today’s exchange rate for the US dollar to naira is shown below.

Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today

For you to significantly reduce the cost of your international money transfers, we provide you with the real exchange rate. The table below shows the black market exchange rate for the US dollar and Nigerian naira.

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today

Purchasing Rate 680

Trading Rate 710

As of today, Naira exchanges NGN585 per $1 at the parallel demand as abokiFX earns forex news. Please record that the Central Bank of Nigeria accomplishes not identify the ebony market (parallel market) and advises people prying in Forex to contact their banks before bringing out their trades.

Dollar to Naira CBN Exchange Rate

Today, the sale rate of the dollar to naira black market is separate from the CBN dealings rate and other saleable banks.

The CBN business rate is the rate at which you can sell or buy dollars for Naira on the authorized doorway of the Central Bank of Nigeria The jet market trade rate for dollars is consistently more elevated than the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) business rate.

CurrencySell / Buy RateChangeDate

USD 414.75 / 415.75 0.01% 26/07/2023

Dollar to Naira at FX Market Exchange Rate


USD 415.1897 0.13% 26/07/2023

As we said earlier, the naira fluctuates in worth against additional coins daily. So keep studying for the actual business rate before taking out your online marketing.

Please feel free to use the contact us page if you have any questions about today’s interaction rate for us, and we will get back to you. Once again, keep scanning back to ensure the present rate.

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