Rutherford Scholarship Application | How To Apply

Rutherford Scholarship Application

Begin your Rutherford Scholarship application today and pursue your post-secondary education. The program is fully funded and aims to honor senior high school students. Meet the scholarship requirements and get a chance to further your education at no cost.

Browse the to learn about the Rutherford scholarship program and how to apply.

About the Rutherford Scholarship Program

The scholarship program is in honor of Alexander Rutherford, who held the distinction of serving as both Alberta’s first premier and minister of education. He was well-known for his steadfast support of public education, especially the University of Alberta, and his vigorous participation in civic affairs.

The program focuses on honoring senior high school students for their academic success and motivating them to pursue post-secondary education.

Benefits of the Program

Senior students who will qualify for the program will enjoy the scholarship benefit. The scholarship value is about $2,500 and covers most of the candidate’s schooling fees.

Rutherford scholarship eligibility requirement

When you enroll full-time in post-secondary education; and your high school grades are officially accessible, then you can apply. Although, the requirements may vary. Candidates must meet the demands to be competent for the scholarship. 

Check below to see the program requirement:

  • Be a citizen of Canada, a permanent resident of Canada, or a protected individual as defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of Canada (Visa students are not eligible).
  • Be an Alberta resident, and you must meet the following requirements to be considered an Alberta resident:
  1. Before the candidate started a program of study, at least one parent or legal guardian had to have maintained permanent residency in Canada for at least 12 continuous months;
  2. The applicant has a continuous place of residence in Alberta for at least a year before beginning a program of study;
  3. A student cannot be eligible for a scholarship concerning any grade unless they, their parent(s), or legal guardian, resided in Alberta the entire time throughout that grade.
  • Have graduated from high school on or after September 30, 1980.
  • Be enrolled in a full course load at an approved undergraduate or post-secondary institution or in an apprenticeship program that lasts at least one semester.

They offer the Alexander Rutherford scholarship once.

 Selection Criteria

A student must have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average across five required courses in at least one grade. Grades 10, 11, or 12 as determined by:

  • Alberta residents 

Alberta residents’ courses and grades on a certified Alberta high school transcript

  • Completed High School Outside of Alberta 

Courses or Grades from Another Province on Official High School Transcript

How To Apply For the Rutherford Scholarship Program

When your high school transcripts are official, and you are a full-time post-secondary student, submit your application online.

You can visit the Rutherford scholarship official website to begin your application.

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