Federal Government Scholarship 2023/2024 Application Form Portal

Federal Government Scholarship 2023

Federal Government Scholarship 2023/2024 Application Form Portal Is Open

The Federal Government Scholarship Award Computer Based Test (CBT) for the 2023–2024 Nomination is open to interested and qualified Nigerians. It will be held by the Honorable Minister of Education (HME), Mallam Adamu.


  • A first degree with a Second Class Honours Division is the minimum requirement for applicants to postgraduate studies. The candidate must be a full-time, enrolled student at a federal or state university.
  • All other applicants (undergraduate, high school diploma, and non-college education) must be enrolled full-time in their second or higher year at a Federal or State University, Polytechnic, Monotechnic, or College of Education. All undergraduate scholarship applicants, including those who are physically challenged, must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 4.0 on a scale of 1 to 5 or its equivalents, or 5.0 on a scale of 1 to 7.
  • All NCE and HND applicants must have a CGPA of 3.5 and above on a scale of 4.0


  • The scholarship is tenable in Nigeria and will be awarded as of the start of the current academic year.
  • It cannot be held concurrently with another Award or for students enrolled in part-time courses.
  • While receiving the award, you cannot change your course of study or institution.

 Areas of study to consider for the Federal Government Scholarship 2023:

  1. Science and Technology
  2. Medicine and Para-medicals
  3. Education
  4. Agriculture
  5. Liberal Arts/Social/Management Sciences
  6. Entrepreneurial Studies,
  7. ICT
  8. Environmental Sciences
  9. Law


All qualified candidates are advised to:

a. See the Federal Ministry of Education’s website www.education.gov.ng and click on   Federal Scholarship Board ICON on the Home Page:

b. Read the Procedures and Then Complete the Application Form online

c. Publish the Examination slip.

   d. Double Entries will be disqualified!

Attach documents

  1. Letter of Admission to the Institution
  2. Current School’s Identity Card

For More Information:

See the Official Webpage of the Federal Government of Nigeria Scholarship Award.

 GENERAL NOTICE: During the application process candidates are expected to indicate the following:

i) Nominees are advised to choose the Computer Based Test Centre (CBT) very close to them;

iii) The registration portal will be opened from 9th May 2022 to 20th June 2022.

Steps to Check Federal Government Scholarship Exam Center & Time

Here’s how to check the date, time, and site of the Federal Government Scholarship (FSBN) 2023;

  1. Go to the Federal Government Scholarship portal
  2. Document your phone number or the last 6 digits of your applicant number (e.g FSB/NA/2020/ 000000)
  3. Click on Check
  4. Print your CBT examination slip

Please, if you have any inquiries, make use of our comment box below right now.

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