Pounds to Naira Black Market Exchange Rate Today

Pounds to Naira Black

Do you care about Pounds to Naira  Black Market Exchange Rate today? Are you unsure of the currency when you plan to travel abroad or make some purchases online?

In particular, when it comes to the Aboki fx pound to naira rate, it is crucial to understand the exchange rate between the pound and the naira. It is wise to be aware of the exchange rate if you are traveling abroad or conducting online transactions.

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about the GBP to NGN exchange rate as well as the current pound sterling to the naira exchange rate, both the black market rate and the CBN rate. You can either change your pounds at this rate or at the current black market or parallel exchange rate to convert your GBP to Naira.

Read on to learn today’s Aboki FX rate and the actual mid-market exchange rate. We contrast the pound and Naira bank rates with the Aboki FX rate. Based on recent market data, this page is updated hourly.

  • Pound to Naira Aboki FX
  • Pound to Naira today
  • Pound to Naira black market today
  • Pound sterling to Naira today similarity market
  • Pound to Naira bank rate today

Pound Sterling to Naira Today Trade Rate

In recent years, the value of the Nigerian Naira has decreased in comparison to other significant currencies. The British pound sterling and the Nigerian naira have a constantly fluctuating exchange rate.

In recent months, there has been a declining trend in the rate. Looking at the exchange rates for this date, the market still remains relatively low despite ups and downs.

So, how much is the black market (parallel market) and Aboki FX pound to the naira exchange rate? Here is today’s actual pound to the naira exchange rate.

British Pounds to Naira Black Market Rate Today

We provide you with the actual exchange rate so you can send money internationally while saving a ton of money. Below is a table with the current black market exchange rate between the British pound and the Nigerian naira.

Pound to Naira (GBP to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today

Buying Rate 750

Selling Rate 758

As of today, Naira trades at N750 per £1 at a similar market as abokiFX clears forex information. Please note that the Central Bank of Nigeria does not identify the black market (similar market) and advises individuals inquisitive in Forex to contact their respective banks before taking out their transactions.

Pounds to Naira CBN Trade Rate

As of today, the exchange rate of pounds to naira black market is dissimilar from the CBN trade rate and other commercial banks.

The CBN exchange rate is the rate at which you can sell or purchase pounds for naira on the official portal of the Central Bank of Nigeria www.cbn.gov.ng. The black market exchange rate for pounds is always higher than the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) exchange rate.

CurrencySell / Buy RateChangeDate

GBP ₦ 521.5325 / 520.2777 0.01%

Pounds to Naira at FX Market Trade Rate


GBP ₦ 521.18 0.13%

As we said earlier, the naira fluctuates in worth against other banknotes on a daily base. So keep checking back regularly for the real deal rate before carrying out your online transactions.

If there is any question you would like to ask us regarding today’s exchange rate, free free to use the contact us page and we will attain it for you. Once again, keep reviewing back to confirm the recent rate.

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