NYSC Call-Up Letter 2023

NYSC Call-Up Letter 2023

Online printing for the NYSC Call-Up Letter 2023 is currently available. On this page, you can find more information about printing the NYSC Call-Up Letter through the NYSC registration portal as well as other pertinent details you might find useful.

For prospective corps members from Batch “B,” the 2023 NYSC call-up letters are now printable online. You can easily print your call-up letter online with the help of our tutorial.

So continue reading to learn how to quickly print your call-up letter by logging into the NYSC call-up letter portal.

Online Printing for NYSC Call-Up Letter 2023

The National Youth Service Corps management sends call-up letters to potential corps members to enroll them in the National Youth Service Program.

The actual date prospective corps members are expected to report to camp won’t be known unless the NYSC call-up letter for batches A, B, and C streams 1 and 2 is printed.

Your call-up number, reporting date, course, the state where you have been posted to serve, the officer in charge, the date that verification will end in camp, and other pertinent information are all included in your NYSC call-up letter.

Since the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has opened the portal to print call-up letters, we are happy to inform all 2023 Batch “B” stream 1 and 2 prospective corps members of this development.

Prospective Corps members are expected to access the NYSC portal as soon as possible to start printing their call-up letters. The NYSC batch B call-up letter can be printed online by following the instructions.

Steps to Print NYSC Call-Up Letter

  • See the official NYSC registration portal via http://portal.nysc.org.ng.
  • Select the Login Here icon (https://portal.nysc.org.ng/nysc2/ResumePayment.aspx)
  • Login with your registered email address and password.
  • Click on the ‘Print Call-Up Letter’ link to access and print your call-up letter.

You may be posted to another subsequent batch or stream if you are unable to print your NYSC Call-up letter.

Before reporting to camp, PCMs in 2023 Batch ‘A & B’ are strongly encouraged to receive a cerebral spinal meningitis vaccination.


  • Any individual who fails to report for service in the service corps as required in the Call-up Letter and/or refuses to make himself available for service in the service corps shall be charged.
  • Also, any person who is not qualified to participate in the service corps or has been duly issued with a Certificate of National Service or Certificate of Exemption but so partakes or attempts to so participate shall be charged.

NYSC Call-Up Letter Current Update

On this portal, we occasionally post the most recent information regarding the National Youth Service Corps, so be sure to check back frequently to stay up to date.

Additionally, we advise you to save or bookmark this page and keep coming back to it frequently in case anything changes. We’ll keep you updated as soon as that occurs.

Please use the comment section below if you have any questions about the NYSC call-up letter for 2023. We will respond.


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