FRSC Shortlist PDF 2023 | Download PDF Here

FRSC training date

The instructions in this article can be used to check the FRSC Shortlist PDF 2023. The Federal Road Safety Commission’s website for recruiting continues to be

Do you want to know about the latest news updates about FRSC shortlisted candidates? If you said “Yes,” the FRSC recruitment shortlist PDF 2023 is covered in great detail in this article, so read on for all the information you need.

The FRSC shortlist PDF will not be available online until after we respond to your query. Go ahead and download the FRSC practice questions and answers to help you get ready for the screening test.

Additionally, kindly take note that only those candidates who have been shortlisted by the Federal Road Safety Commission will be sent an email invitation to participate in the screening process.

Steps To Check FRSC Shortlisted Candidates PDF 2023

If you follow the step-by-step instructions below, checking the candidates who have been shortlisted by the Federal Road Safety Commission is simple.

  • Visit the portal for shortlisted candidates at
  • As you scroll down, download your state of origin from the online application.
  • Click on the name of your state to download the PDF
  • Finally, Open the PDF to check your name on the list.

Note that a PDF-capable device is required to view the FRSC list of shortlisted candidates.


Please Note: FRSC Shortlist PDF is not out online at this point; If you want to be the first person to know once FRSC Shortlisted Candidates list is out online, comment yes below right now.


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