Zambia Immigration Service Recruitment Application Portal

Recruitment for the Zambia Immigration Service: The Zambia Immigration Service, renowned for its strength and commitment to upholding national security, has begun accepting applications for its recruitment program at

Do you want to work for the Zambia Immigration Service? This detailed guide will walk you through each step of the Zambia Immigration Recruitment Portal application process, outlining eligibility requirements, important deadlines, and how to apply.

Is Zambia Immigration Service Recruitment Currently Ongoing?

Every year, ZIS holds hiring events where it hires millions of applicants. As a result, the Zambia Immigration Service’s hiring process will soon start. Interested parties are urged to visit the online application portal and submit their forms.

The main goal of the Zambia Immigration Service (ZIS), a division of the Zambian Defense Force, is to teach agricultural and artisanal skills to Zambian civilians. Before changing its name to Zambia Immigration Service, it was established in 1963 as a Land Army.

These provinces’ potential candidates are now welcome to apply for the ongoing Zambia Immigration Service recruitment.

Zambia Immigration Service Recruitment Portal Login to ZIS Recruitment

The Zambia Immigration Service’s online application portal can be found at, where prospective applicants can create an account before logging in to begin and complete their online application form.

The Requirements for Zambia Immigration Recruitment

How can I become an immigration officer in Zambia? Follow the steps below:
  • The applicant must be a citizen of Zambia first.
  • An official national identification card is required for the applicant.
  • No criminal history should be present on the application.
  • His or her physical and mental health should be good.
  • The applicant must be at least 18 years old and not more than 35 at the time of application.
  • Women must be 5.4 inches tall, while men must be 5.8 inches.
  • Both oral and written communication skills are required of the applicant.
  • The applicant must be ready to carry out their responsibilities by the established principles.

At the Zambia Immigration Service, you can apply for a position and get hired afterward. To submit your form by the deadline, simply follow the above instructions.

Success Advice for the Recruitment of the Zambia Immigration Service

These are the dos and don’ts you should be aware of when applying for ZIS recruitment, as most applicants are unsuccessful not because they lack qualifications, but rather because of their capacity to avoid these detrimental errors.

  • Make sure you do not submit your application form more than once to prevent disqualification.
  • Your national identification card must be scanned in clear digital format.
  • The only transcripts and diplomas that should be uploaded are the originals.
  • Make sure to submit it by the deadline.
  • Read the application instructions completely before beginning.
  • Because this application is free, avoid paying anyone for it.

Steps to Apply for Zambia Immigration Recruitment 

You can apply for ZIS recruitment online by going to, selecting the position you want to apply for, reading the application instructions, providing accurate information, uploading the necessary documents, and then submitting.


A handwritten application letter, certified photocopies of their credentials, and a copy of their national identification card should be sent to:

  • The Recruitment Officer
  • Zambia Immigration Service Chamba Valley
  • Munall Road
  • P.O. Box 32251
  • Lusaka

Recruitment Deadline for Zambia Immigration Service

The fact that ZIS recruitment was not yet underway made it impossible to predict with certainty when the online application portal would close.

Top Questions About Zambia Immigration

How do I register with the Zambia Immigration Service?

You must submit an online application via the recruitment portal at if you meet the requirements, which include having a minimum of 12 points and below.

What is the ZIS job portal?

Visit the online application portal for the Zambia Immigration Service at to submit a job application.

What requirements must you meet to join ZIS recruitment?

A minimum of 12 points, a bachelor’s degree, or its equivalent, and some years of experience are required for a specialist. Be aware that there are different requirements for ZIS hiring.

What is the duration of ZIS training?

How long is the training for Immigration officers in Zambia? It takes roughly three to six (3-6) months to finish the Amry training program in all training locations or provinces in Zambia, including Central, Copperbelt, Eastern, Luapula, Lusaka, Muchinga, North-Western, Northern, Southern, Western, etc.

Do you have any additional questions about the Zambia Immigration Service’s hiring process? If so, kindly let us know in the comment section below, so we can respond as soon as possible.

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