The TSC recruitment 2023/2024 application form is out. This article provides a thorough explanation of all the requirements for the Kenya Teaching Service Commission, including the HRMIS portal login, application process, start and close dates, screening, shortlisted candidates, and other crucial information.
Continue reading this page if you want to work for the Kenya Teaching Service Commission (TSC), because I will be sharing with you some important tips that will make your application stand out from the crowd.
People also ask:
- Is the TSC recruitment application form for 2023 out?
- When is TSC recruitment starting?
- What are the TSC job openings in 2023?
- What is the most recent news on TSC recruitment?
- What are the requirements for Kenyan TSC recruitment in 2023?
- What is the TSC online recruitment portal?
- How do I apply for TSC recruitment in 2023?
- What is the TSC recruitment deadline?
Even though the TSC hiring process is fairly transparent, there are a few things you should be aware of if you want to succeed in landing a job at the end of the day.
Count yourself fortunate in this instance, as I will ensure that you stand out with clarity regarding the Kenya Teachers Recruitment Wish, which serves as the recruitment benchmark.
Is the TSC Recruitment Application Form 2023/2024 out?
Take note that the application is free, and by visiting the application portal, any Kenyan who wants to apply can do so.
Hey! Hold on; there is still time to learn about the requirements, the best way to apply, and the dos and don’ts of the application portal before moving on to the portal.
When is TSC Recruitment 2023 starting?
The TSC recruitment date is May 26th, 2023. The application form and other details have been uploaded on the recruitment portal at
TSC Job Openings 2023
- Chief Principal (Regular Secondary School)
- Senior Principal (Regular Secondary School) (108 Posts)
- Principal (Regular Secondary School) (541 Posts)
- Deputy Principal II (Regular Secondary School) (547 Posts)
- Senior Lecturer I (T-Scale 12)
- Deputy Principal III (Regular Secondary School) (1057 POSTS)
- Senior Master III (Regular School) (1142 Posts)
- Senior Lecture IV (TTC): 216 Posts
- Senior Master IV (Regular School): 12,716 Posts
- Secondary Teacher I (Regular School): 928 Posts
- Head Teacher (Regular Primary School): 1049 Posts
- Head Teacher (SNE Primary School): Hearing Impairment (15 Posts)
- Head Teacher (SNE Primary School): Intellectual Disability (10 posts)
- Head Teacher (SNE Primary School): Autism (1 Posts)
- Head Teacher (SNE Primary School): Physical Impairment (2 Posts)
- Head Teacher (SNE Primary School): Visual Impairment (2 Posts)
- Deputy Head Teacher II (Regular Primary School) (1,930 Posts)
- Senior Teacher I (Regular Primary School): 3,040 Posts
- Senior Teacher I (SNE Primary School): 346 Posts
- Senior Teacher II (Regular Primary School) (10,819 Posts)
- Senior Teacher II (SNE Primary School) (700 Posts)
- Senior Principal (SNE Secondary School)
- Senior Master I (T-scale 12 )
- Senior Master II (SNE Secondary School)
- Senior Master III (SNE Secondary School)
- Senior Master IV (SNE Secondary School)
- Secondary Teacher I (SNE Secondary School)
- Principal (SNE Secondary School)
- Chemistry/Physics Internship
- Biology/Chemistry Internship
- Kiswahili/IRE Internship
- Biology/Chemistry Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Kiswahili/GEO Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Kiswahili/IRE Internship
- Math/BST Internship
- Biology/Chemistry Internship
- English/Literature Internship
- Biology/Chemistry Internship
Is TSC recruiting teachers in 2023?
The proposal from the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) calls for hiring 20,000 intern teachers for the fiscal year 2023–2024. from June 2023 to November 2023.
Latest News on TSC Recruitment 2023/2024
The most recent information regarding Kenya TSC hiring is that interested candidates may submit their applications online starting on Monday, October 9, 2023.
The commission stated that only those who were shortlisted would be contacted following the application process. If you applied, please wait for the list of shortlisted candidates to be released; we will notify you as soon as it is.
Requirements for Kenya TSC Recruitment 2023/2024
This is a crucial step; for you to succeed, you must take note of the requirements listed below, as they serve as the standard by which candidates will be chosen.
- The potential candidate must be a Kenyan citizen living in any of the counties at the moment.
- A valid national identification card is required for the applicant.
- The candidate needs to have both a teaching certificate of registration and a degree from a Kenyan institution of higher learning.
- The applicant must provide genuine documentation of their experience working as an intern teacher, if applicable.
- Applications must be submitted by candidates with KCSE certificates or their equivalent (including certificates for retake exams).
- A certificate from KCPE or an equivalent program (which may include certificates for retake attempts)
- Primary and Secondary School leaving certificates and other relevant testimonials
- National Council of Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) Card (where applicable)
- To explain the difference in names, the applicant should obtain an affidavit sworn by the Oaths and Statutory Declarations Act, Cap 15 of the Laws of Kenya.
- Letter of certification of results by KNEC (where applicable)
Note that consideration for selection will be made in the following priority order in the event of a tie:
- Applicants’ disability status;
- involvement in the Teacher Internship Program at TSC;
- Length of Stay since graduation;
- Presentation of professional and academic credentials’ strengths.
TSC Online Recruitment Portal (HRMIS)
The online platform for submitting forms by potential applicants to the Kenya Teachers Service Commission is called HRMIS (, and it is the recruitment portal for the commission.
Following application submission, you will check the same portal to see if the shortlisted candidates have been announced, as well as the screening and interview details upon release.
How to Apply for Kenya Teachers Recruitment 2023/2024
You do not need to worry too much about how you will apply for TSC recruitment; even if you are not familiar with online registration, you can still follow the instructions provided below.
- First, you have to visit the TSC application portal
- Select an area of specialization or discipline
- Read through the application instruction
- Type in your correct data into the spaces given
- Enlarge the image and add academic credentials along with other documents.
- Then proceed to submit your form
Here is an additional way to apply for TSC recruitment in 2023.
During the interview, candidates will be required to produce the original:
- National Identity Card,
- Academic and professional certificates.
- appointment and designation letter for the grade level in question.
TSC Recruitment Deadline: 2023
The closing date for TSC recruitment is Friday, 3rd November, 2023. We will not honor submissions made after this date. It is therefore advised that to prevent disqualification, applicants submit their forms by the deadline.
Important Notes/Successful Tips!
Here are some additional things you should be aware of because they are typical mistakes made by applicants and therefore also serve as success advice.
- Under no circumstances should the Application for Employment Form(s) be defaced or photocopied for use.
- The TSC County Directors should be consulted for clarification and guidance on any qualification-related questions arising from these guidelines.
The TSC Act’s Section 20 decentralizes the function of teacher recruitment, but this does not prevent the Commission from conducting recruitment directly out of TSC Headquarters.
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If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them in the comment section below. Don’t forget to share this article if you find it helpful.