National Treasury Job Vacancies and Opportunities in Kenya

This page outlines how to check the National Treasury Job Vacancies and Opportunities online or download the application that includes the names of those who were accepted.

National Treasury Job Vacancies and Opportunities for Kenyans

People who apply for different job openings will soon receive a National Treasury and Planning recruitment shortlist. Continue reading this article for all the information you require if you could use it for the National Treasury recruitment and would like to find out if your name is on the shortlist of applicants.

Questions People Also Ask:

  • When is the National Treasury employment shortlist released?
  • How can I find out if my name is on the National Treasury shortlist?
  • What are the conditions you must meet to verify the National Treasury Shortlisted Candidates?
  • Has the National Cohesion and Integration Commission announced the names of the applicants who have been successful yet?

To find satisfying answers to these questions—which are merely the foremost inquiries—try reading this page all the way through.

Will I Be Notified When the National Treasury Shortlisted Candidates Pdf Is Out?

  • Yes, each applicant on the National Treasury & Planning’s shortlist receives an email or SMS notification.

National Treasury Job Vacancies and Opportunities

Requirements for the National Treasury Job Vacancies 

Before your name appears on the National Treasury’s shortlist of applicants, you need to have fulfilled the following conditions:

  • You have to have successfully submitted your application for a position with the National Treasury.
  • You must complete the application before the deadline.
  • Only applicants who meet recruitment requirements will be shortlisted
  • To view the National Treasury shortlist, enter your name or application number.

How to Check National Treasury Shortlisted Candidates

Successful applicants will receive notifications via email or SMS as soon as the National Treasury releases the names of the shortlisted candidates.

Do not give up just yet if you do not receive this notification; you can use the application portal to find out if your name is on the National Treasury shortlist.

To check the shortlist online, follow the steps below.

  • Go to the National Treasury job application portal at
  • Click Career on the menu bar
  • Carefully scroll through the page to locate and download shortlisted candidates
  • Open the PDF document
  • Then enter your name or application number into the search bar.

It will automatically take you to a page that contains your name as soon as you finish.

We congratulate everyone who made the shortlist and hope they have success in the remaining steps of the application process.

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Please let us know in the comment section below if you run into any difficulties with the National Treasury Job Vacancies.

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