DSS Training Date 2023 Venue and Requirements

DSS Training Date 2023

The DSS training date of 2023 has finally been announced. The official date and training camp for the 2023 DSS recruitment screening exercise has finally been released by the Department of State Services management.

As failure to appear at the training camp by the deadlines specified would result in disqualification, the management expects all short-listed candidates to show up there.

Important information about Department of State Services physical training has been provided in this article. In the upcoming physical training exercise, we will show you everything you need to know. These include the DSS physical training date, the training location, and the physical training time slot.

Therefore, if you are eager to learn the DSS recruitment training date for 2023, scroll down because this page contains all the crucial details you require about the DSS training exercise.

Also, Check the; Federal Government Recruitment 2023/2024 Job Registration Portal

Date for DSS Training 2023

The DSS physical training, which is required of all pre-qualified candidates as part of the hiring process, will take place this year, according to Department of State Services officials, who also stated that the training will last two (2) weeks.

We occasionally update our readers on the most recent information regarding the DSS hiring procedure and physical training schedule. 

If you do not want to miss any updates regarding the DSS training date and location, we firmly advise you to keep checking this website frequently.

DSS Training Centers for all Shortlisted Candidates

All pre-selected candidates will attend the DSS training camp, which will be held in designated locations across the country. Selected states will host the physical training exercise.

All candidates who have been shortlisted must arrive at the designated training facilities early. If you are late, the job offer is yours if you accept it. If possible, arrive at the training camp a day before the training date.

NOTE: You will be informed of the Department of State Services training event’s date, location, and time via the phone number or email address you provide when registering. Therefore, for these crucial updates, regularly check your SMS or email address.

DSS Training Requirements 2023

Candidates are advised to bring the following documentation to the training camp:

  • Original and photocopy of their credentials
  • Two Recent passport Photographs
  • Duly completed Guarantor’s Form
  • Birth Certificate/Declaration of Age
  • Certificate of Origin

Therefore, we advise you to save this page and refresh it as frequently as you can to stay updated regarding any changes to the Department of State Services training date and training camp.

Simply leave a comment below this page with any queries you may have about the DSS training dates and locations for all shortlisted candidates in 2023, and we will get back to you.

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