Civil Defence Salary Structure and Ranks

Civil Defence Salary Structure

Civil Defence Salary Structure and Ranks. The pay scale and benefits for Civil Defense are listed below. This page contains more information about the NSCDC ranks, pay scale, and other relevant NSCDC-related information.

This article aims to give readers a general understanding of the Civil Defence Salary Structure and ranks. The NSCDC ranks and their monthly salaries are described in the following sections.

Nigerian State Civil Defence Salary Structure and Ranks

Have you looked up the NSCDC Defense ranks and pay scale on Google? If so, you are on the appropriate page.

The monthly salaries of commissioned and non-commissioned officers and other pertinent information you may be interested in will be covered in detail in this article.

So, whether you want to learn more about Civil Defence’s general role or join the organization, you can find all the information on this page.

This article will help you understand the Civil Defense salary structure and ranking, which is especially important if you want to work for the NSCDC or Visit Their Portal via

Additionally, if you wish to apply for the NSCDC recruitment this year, you may do so through the official Civil Defence recruitment portal.

The portal provides useful details and updates regarding the hiring procedure, qualifications, application deadlines, and exam dates.

 Salary Structures and Ranks

Many people want to join the Civil Defence because of the competitive pay and the honor and prestige that come with being an NSCDC officer.

Many people who want to join the NSCDC constantly look online for accurate information about the Civil Defence Salary Structure and benefits. However, it is challenging to find this information online.

But based on a recent report that appeared in one of Nigeria’s most prestigious newspapers, we have an estimate of how much the commissioned officers make annually.

According to a person’s certificate or qualification and number of years of service, the Civil Defense salary structure is determined.

  • If the individual is a medical doctor, he is placed in class 12.
  • A master’s grade holder is placed in class 9.
  • A lawyer, on the other hand, is ranked in class 9.
  • If the individual is a graduate, he is placed at Level 8.
  • On the other hand, an HND holder is positioned on Level 7.

Consequently, what is the monthly payment for Civil Defense? The current pay scale for the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps is shown below.

Level Rank Annual Salary

3-5 Assistant Cadre ₦296,506 – ₦374,259

6 Assistant Inspectorate Cadre ₦357,385 – ₦411,454

7 Inspectorate Cadre ₦483,014 – ₦567,065

8 Assistant Superintendent Cadre II ₦858,956 – ₦986,991

9 Assistant Superintendent Cadre I ₦939,310 – ₦1,056,416

10 Deputy Superintendent Cadre II ₦1,012,562 – ₦1,143,539

11 Superintendent Cadre II ₦1,094,027 – ₦1,252,038

12 Chief Superintendent Cadre II ₦1,158,172 – ₦1,325,234

13 Assistant Commander ₦1,225,584 – ₦1,405,449

14 Deputy Commander ₦1,619,447 – ₦1,825,589

15 Chief Commander ₦1,759,921 – ₦1,966,281

16 Assistant Commandant General ₦2,272,288 – ₦2,464,560

The overhead checklist is the current Civil Defence levels and salaries.

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