6 Things You Must Know Before Moving to Canada

Planning for a trip? If yes, this piece will open your eyes to some of the important things you must know before moving to Canada. Hiring well-paying jobs is a big draw for newcomers to Canada. There are numerous opportunities for you to pursue fulfilling work. The largest obstacle for newcomers to get their hands on the desired jobs, however, could be a lack of experience, education, or skills.

Similarly, there are several obstacles that you must overcome before applying for a high-level position in Canada. To increase your chances of landing a fulfilling job in Canada, we address some common issues in this blog and offer solutions. Read on for further information.

Things You Must Know Before Moving to Canada

Things You Must Know Before Moving to Canada

When looking for a good job that matches their qualifications and skills, new immigrants, especially students, face these typical obstacles. The following are some of the things you must know before moving to Canada to work or study.

  • Foreign Credential Requirements: The majority of immigrants to Canada have little to no idea of the vital experience and essential credentials required to secure employment. Failure can result from mismatching one’s skills to obtain employment. Make sure you get all the information you need about foreign applicants before allowing them to study or apply for a work permit. This will go a long way in helping you get a secure job.
  • The Language & Communication Problem. In Canada, having a skilled job can be problematic if one lacks language and communication skills. Your job search may be impacted if you lack effective communication skills. That is why you should obtain an English proficiency certificate or have strong communication skills before applying for a job in Canada.
  • Overqualification Issue: Oops! I bet you didn’t see that one coming, did you? But yes, some immigrants in Canada also experience rejection because they are overqualified for a specific position. To deal with such problems, look for jobs that match your qualifications and skills.
  • Lack of an Integration Structure: It is common for employers to fail to offer new hires the integrated support they need to succeed in the workplace. Finding the best job opportunities could become more difficult as a result. Support is without a doubt one of the things you must ensure to put together before your Canada trip.
  • Experience is in Demand: A requirement of having Canadian experience may apply to certain people looking for work. This could be a challenge for an immigrant job seeker.
  • Direct Discrimination: Although not peculiar to Canada, racial and ethnic distinctions, among other categories, may be instances of overt discrimination. It can be difficult for immigrants to obtain good jobs when they face direct discrimination.

The Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits an employer from asking a candidate about their age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, color, or religion, to name a few. Thus, it could be argued that requiring Canadian work experience as a prerequisite for employment discriminates against people based on their race, ancestry, place of origin, and ethnic origin, among other characteristics.

Concerning the “Canadian experience,” only the Ontario Human Rights Commission has attempted to address the matter. They provide guidelines in “Removing the ‘Canadian Experience’ Barrier: A Guide for Employers and Regulatory Bodies” that help make sure hiring standards are reasonable and equitable.

Frequently-Asked Questions by Employers in Canada

Employers are free to ask about a candidate’s qualifications. For instance, an employer might ask an applicant if they have a driver’s license if the position requires one. The applicant’s criminal history could also be questioned by the prospective employer. However, in Canada, it is not permitted for an employer to ask about a candidate’s prior employment directly.

To safeguard the rights of workers, particularly foreign nationals, Canada has established a robust legal framework. Navigating the Canadian job market as a new immigrant requires a deep understanding of hiring managers’ inquiries and human rights concerns.

Among the things you must know before moving to Canada, people should be aware of their legal rights and the limitations on inquiring about experience, even though the lack of Canadian work experience remains a barrier.

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