Are you preparing for the 2023 WAEC GCE exam and wondering if the WAEC GCE schedule for private candidates has finally been released? The 2023 WAEC GCE timetable for the first series of exams has been released, we are happy to inform you if this is the case!
The West African Examinations Council has made available the complete schedule for school candidates taking the WAEC GCE exam in 2023. The WAEC GCE schedule for independent candidates is now available for download, or you can check their official portal via
For students studying art and science, we have uploaded the official 2023 WAEC GCE timetable. Students in Liberia and The Gambia, however, may also take the general subjects.
The WAEC GCE 2023 Examination Date
The 2023 WAEC GCE exam has been scheduled to begin on Friday, January 31, 2023, and end on Saturday, February 19, 2023, according to the West African Examinations Council’s management.
Complete Schedule for the 1st Series Examination
As you get ready to take the 2023 WASSCE GCE (General Certificate Examination), we firmly advise you to refrain from any exam fraud and other improper behavior and to follow the rules and regulations governing the examination.
To make sure you are aware of the dates and times of your exams, we have uploaded the 2023 WAEC GCE timetable. You can use this official schedule to help you plan as you get ready for the upcoming WASSCE exam.
The official WAEC GCE 2023 full-time schedule is provided below for all art, business, and science students. Make a note of the dates of your exams, and make sure you are punctual when you arrive at the testing facility. Below is a PDF download link for the official WAEC GCE 2023 timetable.
** Available to candidates in Nigeria only
**** Available to candidates in Liberia only
****** Available to candidates in The Gambia only
- The difference in time between Question Paper and Timetable
- Where the period shown on the question paper differs from that on the timetable, the one on the question paper should be observed.
- Extra Time for Prospects with Special Needs
- Prospects with Special Needs should be allowed one and a half times the time allotted to other prospects.
The original WAEC GCE timetable for students in Nigeria is shown above. Use the comment section below this page to ask any questions you may have, and we will get back to you.
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